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WARSIM sent me. 

WARSIM sent me too

This is a fun game when it works. The keyword being "When". At some point early on, without fail I will get a screen that says "Unknown State: RANDOM" And everything freezes. I can pause just fine, but that game doesn't work. It doesn't save either. If it could just stop breaking on me before reaching the 10 minute mark, I would have a lot more fun

Thanks for checking it out though! :) The game is still very WIP and most of the games content is missing. I mostly focused on getting the underlying “engine” in a good state. The Browser version is even more experimental

This is really cool! Great job on this so far. I’m a big Slay The Spire fan and this resonates well with me. Your own aesthetic twist on this is cool too! Keep up the good work :)

Hey! Thanks a lot :)